In my Freshman year, I was more shy, quiet, and didn’t say much to people because at the time we were wearing masks and carrying backpacks around. I was not enjoying my freshman year at all, I was alone in the world. I was about to ask my parents if I could be homeschooled because I was not enjoying myself. The reason I stayed in school was because I liked one class, History, with Mr.Boeving, he is the reason why I stayed for my freshman year. I like Mr. Boeving’s class because he gave me map quizzes and Mr. Boeving just talked to me so clearly and if I had a question he would always help me. In the beginning, Mr.Boeving was a little scary but after a while, he’s a chill guy, who made my freshman year a lot better by being my only friend.
In my Sophomore year, I was trying to get out of my comfort zone and meet new people. We didn’t have to wear masks anymore so it was easier to meet people. Later in my Sophomore year, I found an old friend of mine. I didn’t know how to say hi to him. After a while, I found out where my old friend hangs out in the morning. Then after a while me and my friend got to talking and we started hanging out. Then it’s like things never have changed between me and him but the only difference at the time was he was a junior and I was a sophomore that’s the only thing that changed. my sophomore year wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I think the biggest part of my sophomore year was that my mom passed away at the end of March. But at least I had friends to help me along the way, at that time I had
Isaac, Lucas, Nathan, and my school family.
My Junior year was about things changing. I was going to lose one of my best friends because he was a Senior. We didn’t want him to leave, but we knew that Isaac would do great things on his next adventure. On the other hand, my Junior year was about spending time with Isaac by being a part of the basketball and baseball team, but as a manager. I know what you are thinking but what about your comfort zone? Well, this year my comfort zone improved by the new friends that Isaac has helped me build. This year I met many new people by being on the basketball and baseball teams. I met Jimmy Laub and Seth Hohgrefe, and they helped me with confidence building. I met Jimmy during basketball season. We just clicked and after a while, we started talking and then we grew our friendship and spent the whole season together. I met Seth on the baseball team when I managed. How me and Seth met was when I had an upsetting day. After baseball practice, Seth came up to me and tried to cheer me up by just talking to me. Then after a day me and Seth just stayed in touch, and from that day I have made a new friend. It might not have been the best day of my life by being upset at the time but Seth made it better by cheering me up. My Junior year was going to have a big change with no Isaac next year but I knew I would have my two new best friends to have my back just in case Nathan and Lucas, Ian got busy.
Your high school years feel like a book. Your freshman year is the beginning, and the rest of your high school year will be full of new adventures and new people who will support you.