A Happy Accident

If you’re reading this article, you have most certainly heard of Evan Dressel. However, I am not talking about Evan Dressel, who dressed in the #13 jersey. I am referring to the basketball team’s biggest fan Evan Dressel. Not too long ago, Red Bud basketball recognized their seniors in their annual senior night game against conference rival Sparta. Wishing our seniors good luck (via Twitter) in that game my father, Brian Candler. On that night, Brian made a tweet tagging all the seniors, or so he thought. That was until Evan Dressel, a native of New York State replied. Mr. Evan Dressel was ecstatic to have been tagged in Brian’s post and immediately hopped on the Red Bud bandwagon. That night Mr. Dressel watched Red Bud’s senior night performance, a 63-53 win over Sparta, on NFHS and congratulated Red Bud on becoming outright conference champs for the first time since the 2005 season. However, the story doesn’t end there. Mr. Dressel kept riding the wagon and followed the team throughout the remaining three games of the season. He rooted the team in their home regional game against Sparta once again and their eventual tight loss to #5 state-ranked Columbia. Mr. Dressel continues to support Red Bud and even made a Zoom appearance during the Winter Sports Banquet. I recently had the privilege to sit down with Mr. Dressel and had the chance to discuss with him what it was like to be a part of the Musketeers fandom and learned a bit more about him as well. Below, I will be attaching the audio file of my conversation with Mr. Dressel, so you too can learn all about our biggest fan. Feel free to give it a listen. I would like to thank Mr. Dressel for his support once again and for agreeing to do the interview. It is safe to say that Evan Dressel is forever in the heart of Musketeer fans, coaches, players, and principals alike. Thank you, Mr. Dressel.
Listen to the link – Believe me, it’s worth it! Interview Audio
(To listen to the audio – press the download icon and instead of actually downloading press view)