The New Normal Is Not Acceptable

Stack of stones in calm water with seesaw in the evening sun
Being told that learning is on the back burner, but not by choice, should be enough to make us realize that we need to be better.
If that doesn’t do it, hearing the woes of work/life balance and paying bills from the mouths of babes should be enough to make us re-examine this world we’ve created.
And if that still wasn’t enough for you—well, looking at the faces of teenagers who wear exhaustion beyond their years, but not their experience, should be the final straw.
We (you and I, dear reader) can only give so much, and we’re giving it all. So, how do we strike a balance again? How do we get back to good?
Ideas welcome. We have to come together, somehow.
Leland Dierks • Oct 19, 2021 at 8:32 AM
the world has really changed for all generations
Anna Crow • Sep 14, 2022 at 3:48 PM
Indeed, Leland. Indeed.