JV Musketeers battle Chester

The Fresh/Soph Musketeer football team improved to 6-1 Monday with a 20-14 win over the Yellow Jackets in Chester. It was the team’s sixth straight victory after opening the season with a loss to Roxana. Chester took an early lead, scoring a touchdown in the first quarter and adding the two-point conversion for an 8-0 lead. Red Bud scored in the second quarter on an 18-yard TD pass from quarterback Dylan Oliver to freshman Zach Manning. The PAT made it 8-7 at the half. Chester made the score 14-7 with a touchdown drive in the third quarter. Red Bud answered with a 50 plus yard pass play by Oliver to Lucas Schwatrzkopf to move the Musketeers inside the Chester five-yard line. On the next play, Oliver scored on a quarterback keeper; Lane Brockmeyer’s second PAT tied the score at 14-14. 

The Musketeer defense was able to corral the Jacket offense during the third quarter, holding them scoreless for the period. Late in the game, Red Bud put together a drive that was capped off with a touchdown on a drive-by freshman Gavin Baldwin making the final score 20-14.

The boys will finish their season next Monday night with a make-up game at home against Nashville. The Hornets varsity team boasts a 7-1 record so the Musketeers will be faced with a formidable opponent. It will be a challenge that the team is sure to be up to as they put the six-game streak on the line. Come out and see how good this team is. The Science Club will be selling Chick-fil-A sandwiches at the concessions stand. Kick-off is at 6:00.